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BuyHereNow - Maroon5 & Guns & Roses Thailand Concert Ticket Promotion

Digital Marketing | Content Creation | Video Production


Buy Here Now, the premiere lifestyle focused e-commerce platform, brought an exclusive product for the Maroon5 and Guns & Roses concert in Bangkok in August 2022 on their platform. They wanted to promote this luxurious package to their customers and beyond and wanted to reach and aware the top 0.1% of the market.

A Tale of Strategy, Creativity, and Impact

Exploring the art of persuasion in the digital world

We identified Instagram as the key social channel to fulfil the client objective - which also gave rise to the creative visuals and modals necessary to facilitate the campaign. We used multiple content modals, including stories, posts, carousels to communicate the product and offerings. We also developed a unique Instagram filter to promote the product on the platform. We also initiated a 360 email campaign, using the user database of BHN to communicate the product to the most premium segment of users.

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Alchemy: Premium Luxury Brand by BATB - Digital Promotion

Social Media Strategy | Media Buying Strategy | Branding & Positioning | Video Production

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BuyHereNow - Maroon5 & Guns & Roses Thailand Concert Ticket Promotion

Digital Marketing Strategy | Social Media Strategy | Copywriting & Blogging | Video Production

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